Saturday 16 February 2008

success, public speaking, language

Focus on Success

focus on success

What do you focus on?

Speak for High Fees in Many Lands
with Frank Furness, CSP

Wouldn’t it be great to travel to the many interesting places in the world you’d like to visit?

Wouldn’t it be great to have someone else pay you for traveling?More and more speakers are finding opportunities to speak outside the U.S., but this teleseminar features a speaker who has taken it to a whole new level.

Frank Furness, CSP, has found a formula which gets sponsors to fly him all over the world, and which uses powerful marketing tools to build his brand and keep himself booked.Whether you’d like to see Dubai, or Sydney, or Rio, Frank can help you make it happen.

The Language of Inflation
Watch Victor Borge as he creates a new language!


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